I found this clinic after I was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy. The website specifically mentioned the illness so I made an appointment. At almost three weeks since diagnosis and no improvement, I was feeling down and beginning to fear I was going to be one of the people who never recover. At my first visit with Dr. Men, he explained that he was very experienced with Bells and outlined an entire treatment plan. He said I would notice improvement after each session. I followed his instructions to a T and guess what? I actually improved after every session! I am so relieved and happy!! I highly recommend Dr. Men, he is just outstanding.
Barbara S.
Dear Dr. Men,
I found this clinic after I was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy. The website specifically mentioned the illness so I made an appointment. At almost three weeks since diagnosis and no improvement, I was feeling down and beginning to fear I was going to be one of the people who never recovers. At my first visit with Dr. Men, he explained that he was very experienced with Bells and outlined an entire treatment plan. He said I would notice improvement after each session. I followed his instructions to a T and guess what? I actually improved after every session! I am so
relieved and happy!! I highly recommend Dr. Men, he is just outstanding.
Adrienne D.
Dear Dr. Men,
I want to thank you with all my heart for the wonderful relief you have given me from my pain and discomfort.
After being hurt in an automobile accident and injured my shoulder and neck, you have restored my mobility and put me back on the track to recovery. As a professional driver, I had great concern and worry about my ability to return to work pain free and unhindered by stiffnessand immobility.
Now, after you have worked your magic, I do not have to worry about my ability to safely operate a large vehicle in freeway traffic all day long! I love my job and am so happy to be able to return without worries!
Thank you. You have my respect and loyalty.
H. L Ayers
I may be slow, but I’m accurate!
Dear Dr. Men,
I’m 86 years old with back arthritis etc. I was experiencing an overwhelming pain that swept over my back in waves. Chiropractic treatments, massage and physical therapy didn’t help me with the pain.
The nurse in my doctor’s office at Group Health told me how she had been greatly helped by Dr. Beijing Men’s acupuncture treatments after I said that I was interested in trying it. The physical therapist thought it worthed a try too.
After getting my first and second treatments, the pain never came back. What a Blessing!
My 90 years old husband had a shoulder that didn’t function. He had several treatments and now is able to move his arm about. We both are very thankful for Dr. Men’s expertise, and we heartily recommend him.
V. Sandry
Dear Dr. Men,
I have suffered from migraines since 1975. They tend to last at least 4 days and on the 5th day, I feel week and tired. Even though I had tried everything imaginable, nothing helped.
When I came to you for help, my entire head hurt so bad, it felt like it would explode. I was suffering from nausea and felt dizzy, I was unable to work. I am absolutely amazed at the result of just one treatment. I experienced immediate relief and just a day later, I am absolutely pain free! I have not felt this good in a long time!
I appreciate what you have done for me and will tell everyone I know about you.
Thank you Dr. Men!
E. Ayers
Dear Dr. Men,
My name is Catherine Dayhoff and I was suffering from a rare nervous system disorder called RSD for about 9 months before finding Dr. Men.
I was healthy active when suddenly I was confined to my bed with a caregiver, and as a result my son had to move in with relatives who could care for him. The pain was so bad. It would keep me up at night so I couldn’t sleep. I was not able to put pressure on my foot, so I couldn’t walk. Anytime I moved it suddenly; it triggered the pain to flare up again. I went from my regular doctor who had no clue why I wasn’t getting better. I went to a specialist who tried various drugs to see if it would help. I tried an osteopath who gave me hope, but was unable to help me. I went to a PT which only made it worse. I was feeling desperate and the research that I did told me that I would be on morphine for the rest of my life after 24 months.
I finally found Dr. Men on the internet when I research RSD. Immediately after my first treatment with acupuncture and herbs, I started to get better. Within a month, I was able to walk again. Within a few months, I was back to life, back in school, and my son was able moved back home. With regular treatments I am free of symptoms and can
lead a normal life. I am grateful everyday for Dr. Men’s intervention.
Catherine Dayhoff
Sciatic Nerve
Dear Dr. Men,
About a month and half, my sciatic nerve began to affect my left leg. It was so sore. I had to take pain pills to sleep. After two MRI and a nerve block shot, nothing helped.
I decided to try acupuncture. After one visit, Dr. Men eliminated all the pain in my left leg. My muscles are still stiff but that will come later.
I highly recommend Dr. Men for a nerve or muscle problem.
C. Parsons
Dear Dr. Men,
I am a janitor at a local high school. My job is very physically demanding and when I am in pain, it prevents me from being able to work.
I was in such terrible pain when a friend of mind told me about you. I had never tried acupuncture before but I really liked the idea of drug-free pain relief. My friend told me that you helped several members of her family with chronic pain problems, so I thought I would try it out. I liked the fact that you used a variety of treatments (acupuncture, massage, electrical muscle stimulation, herbs). I was absolutely amazed when after just a few visits with you, I was pain free!
I am now telling my friends about you too.
R. Stevenson
Dear Dr. Men:
When I came to you I had suffered from severe pain in both feet, especially on retiring when it felt like someone was trying to twist my toes off with pliers. I would lie awake wondering how I was going to get to sleep.
Now the pain is gone, all I feel is a slight tingling related to the peripheral neuropathy in my feet. It is wonderful to lie down and feel no pain. Never thought I’d have the experience.
Thank you for your good work.
G. Polley
Dr Men:
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to follow up with me to see how I was doing. Since completing your acupuncture and herbal treatments my headaches and head-pressure have improved dramatically and I have returned to work and am now able to perform my normal job requirements again.
I still remember the first day of treatment session, when you put the acupuncture needles in my forehead and the head-pressure and headache were “instantly” gone, I thought you were amazing. Having the pressure and headache was something that I had lived with for over a year; not having it was an unbelievable sensation.
While the head-pressure and head-ache did come back after the session, it was always at a lower level than when I came in. From my standpoint, that in itself was an improvement as no other doctor had been able to do anything. This pattern was the approach for the additional acupuncture and herbal treatment sessions until the head-pressure and headache was so minimal that I didn’t feel that I needed additional treatments.
I wanted to thank you again for helping through this medical condition and I would recommend your services to others
completely. If anyone has questions, they can contact me at kevmcg@msn.com
K. McGregor
Dr. Men is committed to his clients and most importantly listens. I was most pleased with his continual adjusting his treatment to find the most effective approach in helping me.
Mark S.
At every appointment Dr. Men reviewes my chart and establishes if my areas of concern have improved, remained the same, or gotten worse. He also makes a suggestion or provides a simple exercise formed to work on between treatments
Ronald E.
Dr Men and his colleagues cured my hyper thyroid a couple years ago, even the node that was growing on my thyroid gland. They help me maintain my balance and good health and I consider them my primary care providers. They know what is wrong based on examining my tongue. I highly recommend them and am so grateful I first met them at the Seattle half marathon expo in 2016.
Sharon J.