Acupuncture n Chinese herbal therapy to cure ED
More than 30% of the population suffers from insomnia. This video shows how Dr. Men acupuncture treatment can help patients sleep better for the same day. Dr. Men Acupuncture …
What is Hearing Loss? Muffling of speech and other sounds Difficulty understanding words, especially against background noise or in a crowd Trouble hearing consonants Frequently asking others to speak …
Dang Gui, Shao Yao, Huang Qi, Si Ni Tang which have my patients the best relief ever.
There was a woman who suffered from severe jaundice. She knew that Dr Hua Tuo was a famous Chinese medicine doctor and went to see Dr Hua. After observing …
There was a woman in an island village who suffered from extreme lower abdominal pain. Her son, who loved her very much, and hated seeing her in pain, took …
The best herbal formula for Bell’s Palsy: Huang Qi, Yin Qiao San, Quan Xie, Wu Gong. Acupuncture is mainly distal imagine acupuncture. But any good treatment is only 60%of …
To help the patients with multiple sclerosis difficulties, here are my herbal combinations which have helped my patients tremendously: Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang, Wu Zi Yan Zong WAN, …
With the re-opening of states, we are facing a challenge of how to minimize the risk of being infected by the coronavirus. Most viruses have an incubation period in …
Male infertility is commonly defined as a man’s inability to cause pregnancy in a female partner after actively trying for at least a year. Male infertility affects as much …